Keynote Speakers

Bo Zhang

Bo Zhang

Professor of Computer Science and Technology Department of Tsinghua University

Fellow of Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)

Talk Title



互联网时代出现了大数据量(Big Data),以及人机交互方式的变化,这两件事为模式识别发展带来了新的机遇与挑战。





张钹(1935,03—) 福建福清人。教授,中国科学院院士。1958年清华大学自动控制系毕业留校,1960年2月加入中国共产党。先后在自动控制系、计算机科学与技术系任教, 历任讲师、副教授、教授、“智能技术与系统”国家重点实验室主任、校学位委员会副主任、信息科学与技术学院学术委员会主任。还担任中国自动化学会智能控制专业委员会主任和机器人专业委员会副主任,《计算机学报》副主编、国家教委科技委计算机科学学科组成员、国家高技术“863”计划智能机器人主题专家组成员。2011年德国汉堡大学授予自然科学荣誉博士。长期从事自动控制理论及技术的教学和研究。80年代以后,主要从事人工智能和计算机应用技术的研究。他针对人工智能问题求解计算复杂性、指数爆炸的主要困难,提出了问题分层求解的商空间理论,解决了不同粒度空间的描述、它们之间相互转换、复杂性分析等理论问题。在此基础上提出统计启发式搜索算法,基于拓扑的空间规划方法和关系矩阵的规划算法,对克服计算量的指数爆炸很有成效。还提出了研究不确定性处理、定性推理、模糊分析、证据合成等新原理。指导并参加建成了陆地自主车、图像与视频检索等实验平台。已培养博士60多名,获北京市优秀教学成果一等奖。“智能技术与系统”国家重点实验室创建者之一。著有《问题求解理论及应用》(中、英文各一部),合著《Research on Frontiers in Computing》,均获得国家教委颁发的高校出版社优秀学术专著特等奖(1992),后者还获得全国优秀科技图书一等奖(1992年, 第二作者)。研究成果,还获得国家自然科学三等奖、教委科技进步奖一、二等奖各一项,电子部科技进步奖一等奖一项,发表论文一百余篇,其中一篇获ICL欧洲人工智能奖。

Massimiliano Pontil

Massimiliano Pontil

Professor, EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow

Department of Computer Science
Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning
University College London

Talk Title

Multi-task Learning: Theory and Practice


We discuss the problem of estimating a structured matrix with a large number of elements. A key motivation for this problem occurs in multi-task learning. In this case, the columns of the matrix correspond to the parameters of different regression or classification tasks, and there is structure due to relations between the tasks. We present a general method to learn the tasks' parameters as well as their structure. Our approach is based on solving a convex optimization problem, involving a data term and a penalty term. We highlight different types of penalty terms which are of practical and theoretical importance. They implement structural relations between the tasks and achieve a sparse representations of parameters. We address computational issues as well as the predictive performance of the method.


Massimiliano Pontil is Professor of Computational Statistics and Machine Learning in the Department of Computer Science at University College London. He received a Laurea degree and a PhD in Physics from the University of Genova in 1994 and 1999, respectively. His research interests are in the field of machine learning with a focus on regularization methods, convex optimization and statistical estimation. He has published about 100 research papers on these topics, is regularly in the programme committee of the leading conferences in the field, is an associate editor of the Machine Learning Journal and is a member of the scientific advisory board of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany.