Paper Submission

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers of no more than eight pages, including descriptions, figures and references. Review is single-blind (author names and affiliations should be included in the paper). All submissions should be in PDF format and be written in English with LaTex or Word templates. After acceptance, presentations can be given in Chinese at the conference. All accepted papers will be submitted to EI and ISTP for indexing.

On acceptance, at least one author of each appear should register at the conference, and guarantee that the paper is presented at the conference. Papers of absent presentation (no-show) will be removed from the final proceedings after the conference.

Note:All submissions will be handled electronically via the submission website. Authors and reviewers must register and login onto CCPR 2012 EasyChair site to manage your papers.

Paper Template

Prepare your paper using the Latex or the MS-Word template available via the following links:

  1. LaTex templates (LaTeX2e)
  2. Word tempates (2007)

Camera-ready Paper Submission

Before you submit camera ready to the submission system, please ensure that your manuscript is consistent with the formal template and a signed copyright form is submitted.

Manuscript template:

Please refer to CCPR 2012 website for Springer template. If you adopt the latex template, you need to submit the source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files) in compressed file to the submission system. If you use word file, only doc/docx file is required.

Copyright form:

Authors MUST submit a signed copyright form to CCPR 2012 to ensure that your paper will be published by Springer. The copyright form is available at CCPR 2012 website. The copyright form can be signed by the corresponding author. The absence of copyright form would lead to your paper be removed from conference proceeding.

* Please package the camera-ready paper and copyright form as a compressed file, and then submit it to EasyChair site (paper submission platform) before July 20, 2012.