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The 2nd edition, entitled Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis is published in 2001.

Markov Random Field
Modeling in Computer Vision

Stan Z. Li

© Springer-Verlag 1995

ISBN 0-387-70145-1 Spinger-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg Tokyo
ISBN 3-540-70145-1 Spinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo
ISBN 4-431-70145-1 Spinger-Verlag Tokyo Berlin Heidelberg New York

``An excellent book --- very thorough and very clearly written.''

--- Stuart Geman

``I have found the book to be a very valuable reference. I am very impressed by both the breath and depth of the coverage. This must have been a truly monumental undertaking.''

--- Charles A. Bouman


Markov random field (MRF) theory provides a basis for modeling contextual constraints in visual processing and interpretation. It enables us to develop optimal vision algorithms systematically when used with optimization principles. This book presents a comprehensive study on the use of MRFs for solving computer vision problems. The book covers the following parts essential to the subject: introduction to fundamental theories, formulations of MRF vision models, MRF parameter estimation, and optimization algorithms. Various vision models are presented in a unified framework, including image restoration and reconstruction, edge and region segmentation, texture, stereo and motion, object matching and recognition, and pose estimation. This book is an excellent reference for researchers working in computer vision, image processing, statistical pattern recognition and applications of MRFs. It is also suitable as a text for advanced courses in these areas.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Anil K. Jain

Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Low Level MRF Models Chapter 3. Discontinuities in MRFs Chapter 4. Discontinuity-Adaptivity Model and Robust Estimation Chapter 5. High Level MRF Models Chapter 6. MRF Parameter Estimation Chapter 7. Parameter Estimation in Optimal Object Recognition

Chapter 8. Minimization -- Local Methods Chapter 9. Minimization -- Global Methods References
List of Notation

If the download is slow, you may be interested in getting Chapter 1 of this document in one file (371K). If you are interested in buying a copy but have difficulty finding it in your local bookstores, you may contact Springer-Verlag or order through Amazon.com Bookstore. Happy reading! ... PS: The 2nd edition is to be published in 2001.

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